
This file provides the core integration of the Thirdweb SDK within the Unreal Engine as a game instance subsystem.

It should not be used directly but through the plugin's Blueprint functions or other higher-level abstractions provided by the Thirdweb Unreal SDK.

Subsystem Overview

The UThirdwebSubsystem class, derived from UGameInstanceSubsystem, manages the initialization and deinitialization of Thirdweb components and provides various functions to interact with in-app wallets and smart wallets.

Key Components

  • Initialize(FSubsystemCollectionBase& Collection): Initializes the subsystem and sets up the necessary components, such as runtime settings.
  • Deinitialize(): Cleans up the subsystem when it's no longer needed.

Wallet Management Functions

In-App Wallet Functions

  • BP_CreateInAppEmailWallet(const FString& Email, FWalletHandle& Wallet, FString& Error):
    • Blueprint callable function to create an in-app email wallet.
    • Parameters:
      • Email: The email address associated with the wallet.
      • Wallet: The resulting wallet handle.
      • Error: Output error message, if any.
    • Return Value: EFunctionResult indicating success or failure.
  • BP_CreateInAppOAuthWallet(const EThirdwebOAuthProvider Provider, FWalletHandle& Wallet, FString& Error):
    • Blueprint callable function to create an in-app OAuth wallet.
    • Parameters:
      • Provider: The OAuth provider used for authentication.
      • Wallet: The resulting wallet handle.
      • Error: Output error message, if any.
    • Return Value: EFunctionResult indicating success or failure.

Smart Wallet Functions

  • BP_CreateSmartWallet(const FWalletHandle& PersonalWallet, FWalletHandle& SmartWallet, FString& Error, const int64 ChainID, const bool bGasless = true, const FString& Factory = "", const FString& AccountOverride = ""):
    • Blueprint callable function to create a smart wallet.
    • Parameters:
      • PersonalWallet: The personal wallet handle used to create the smart wallet.
      • SmartWallet: The resulting smart wallet handle.
      • Error: Output error message, if any.
      • ChainID: The blockchain chain ID.
      • bGasless: Whether the smart wallet transactions should be gasless.
      • Factory: Optional smart wallet factory address.
      • AccountOverride: Optional account override.
    • Return Value: EFunctionResult indicating success or failure.

Static Subsystem Access

  • Get(const UObject* WorldContextObject):
    • Static accessor function to retrieve the UThirdwebSubsystem instance for the current game instance.
    • Parameters:
      • WorldContextObject: The context object from which to retrieve the game instance.
    • Return Value: Pointer to UThirdwebSubsystem instance.

Internal Implementation Notes

  • The subsystem leverages Thirdweb::create_in_app_wallet and Thirdweb::create_smart_wallet to interact with the underlying Thirdweb SDK.
  • Property: Settings - Contains runtime settings required for creating wallets.
  • Property: AuthEvent, OAuthResult, OAuthLoginUrl, etc. - Used internally to manage authentication and OAuth processes.